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Gacha Life Maker

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This game lets you to create a unique character that can be a copy of your favourite anime character or even a self-made character. You have no restrictions and limits here so you can experiment as much as you want. So the game consists of several stages. In the first stage, you will create your character. You can create any character you want. Choose his hair colour, skin colour, hairstyle and eye colour. Don’t forget the fashionable clothes and accessories to complete his image.

Then give the character a name and enter various information about him or her. You are not limited to one character in general – you have a total of 8 character slots that you can fill. If you run out of these, you can use additional slots, but remember that only the main eight chibis appear in Studio or Skit Maker mode.

Making the content

So what is Studio Mode and what is it for? You use it to take photos of the chibis and a variety of videos. But, as mentioned earlier, with only eight of them. In Studio, you can change the backgrounds – they can be pictures of mountains, forests, nature, houses and so on. In this way you can create the backdrop for your stories. You can also move your chibi around as you like. All you have to do is use your mouse to click on the character and drag it wherever you want.

You can change their poses, facial expressions and more. You only need two characters to create the skits. All poses and movements must be chosen before you start filming. You can add a so-called ‘speech bubble’ to it – a white frame in which the text that the character is saying right now will appear. A handy menu allows you to quickly access the character’s settings, so you’ll change his poses, expressions of the face and phrases quite quickly.


In the game you can also communicate with other players who are also currently online. You need to use the chatbox to do this, but it only becomes available when you reach level 10. You can also share a variety of content that you have made yourself, such as videos, photos and so on. So how do you level up? To do so, you need to play live and chat with different characters, increasing your friendship with them. In this way, you will earn points.

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